Konso Cultural
Landscape is a 55 square km arid property of stone walled terraces and
fortified settlements in the Konso highlands of Ethiopia. It constitutes
a spectacular example of a living cultural tradition stretching back 21
generations (more than 400 years) adapted to its dry hostile
environment. The landscape demonstrates the shared values, social
cohesion and engineering knowledge of its communities. The site also
features anthropomorphic wooden statues - grouped to represent respected
members of their communities and particularly heroic events - which are
an exceptional living testimony to funerary traditions that are on the
verge of disappearing. Stone steles in the towns express a complex
system of marking the passing of generations of leaders.
cultural properties including the traditional stone wall towns
(Paletea), ward system (kanta), Mora (cultural space), the generation
pole (Olayta), the dry stone terracing practices (Kabata), the burial
marker (Waka) and other living cultural practices are reasons for the
precipitation of the Konso cultural landscape to be listed on UNESCO
world heritage sites list. All the necessary requirements have
completed including, field studies, data collections, nomination
file/document and management plan of the Konso Cultural Landscape.
The Konso have adapted a terrace agricultural system and the core Konso
area is characterized by extensive dry stone terraces.
Theses terrace retain the soil from erosion and
terrace saddles that are used for agriculture. The terraces are the
main features of the Konso landscape and the hills are contoured by the
dry stone terraces that could reach at some places up to 5m high. The
terraces retention walls are built with heavier blocks at the base. The
saddles that are prepared for agriculture are between four and eight
meters wide at most places
walled town (Paleta): The Konso live in dry stone walled towns (Paleta)
located on high hills selected for their strategic and defensive
advantage. The Knoso
villages remarkable for the beauty and simplicity of its workmanship, constructed entirely from natural materials, cultivated or constructed from the surroundings. The village is ringed by dry stonewalls, at least a meter thick and three meters high.
villages remarkable for the beauty and simplicity of its workmanship, constructed entirely from natural materials, cultivated or constructed from the surroundings. The village is ringed by dry stonewalls, at least a meter thick and three meters high.
Cultural space of Konso located at the center of the main central
enclosure and at different locations with in the walls, and sometimes
outside the walls.
from all gates lead to these Moras. The individual walled town
(Paleta) has up to 17 Moras, which are connected to one other by
footpaths. The Moras retain an important and central role in the life of
the Konso. They usually have one or two-story grass thatched houses,
called Pafta. The Mora comprise an open sided sitting area beneath a
huge thatched roof with a heavy wooden ceiling and above the ceiling
there is therefore an ;ittic’ the ground floor of the Mora is expertly
paved to form a public area where the men gather to govern the village
life. It is also a place for recreation, the youth may gather here to
play chat and relax during the day when they are not working. The attic
of the Mora meanwhile is where all the adult men are obliged to slip at
night. They have a responsibility to protect the villages from various
an expected incidences such as fire and any other attack.
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