INJERA is made from a cereal grain that is unique to Ethiopia and is known as
tef. The tef is milled into flour and made into a batter with water. The
batter is left to ferment for at least 3 days. When the batter is
ready, it is poured on to a large flat oven and allowed to cook. The
result is a large, spongy, pancake with quite a sour flavour. It is
served with wat

WAT is
the Ethiopian national dish. It is a hot spicy stew, which is served
with injera. There are many varieties of wat e.g. chicken, beef, lamb,
vegetable, lentil and ground split pea. All are stewed with a hot spice
called berbere. The wat is served by placing it on top of the injera,
which is served in a mesob (large basket tray).The food is eaten with
the fingers by tearing off a piece of injera and dipping it in the wat.
a traditional bread made from wheat flour, salt and water. It does not
need fermentation time. It is cooked on the large injera oven. It is
best eaten fresh on the day it is made.
BUNA (coffee)
is the favourite drink of many Ethiopians. It is drunk in a unique and
traditional way called the ‘coffee ceremony’. The coffee beans are
roasted over charcoal, then ground and placed in a Jebana (coffee pot)
with boiling water. When ready, it is served to people in small cups, up
to three per ceremony. The first cup is called ABOOL, the second TONA, and the third BEREKA. This is a social ceremony and will last for at least an hour
TEJ is
a mead-like drink made from honey. It usually comes in three strengths
ranging from non- alcoholic to very alcoholic. The medium and strong
varieties also include barley or maize and hops. The medium strength is a
pleasant, slightly alcoholic drink.
TELLA is a local beer. It comes in 3 types, ZILEL, which is made from barley, maize or sorgum, CORAFE, which is made from lightly roasted barley, and LIFTER, which
is made from well roasted barley or sorgum and is darker in colour.
They all contain hops. It is traditionally drunk on major religious
festivals, saints’ days and weddings.
There is opportunity at Ben Abeba to sample all traditional food and drink.
Demonstration of injera 11.00 am daily 100 Birr
making and sample taste
Participation in traditional 3.00 pm daily 100 Birr
coffee ceremony
Ethiopian evening with On offer at least 300 Birr
traditional food, drink, 2 evenings per week
music and dancing.
Injera and a selection of wats will be on the lunch and dinner menu every day.
Tej and tella will be available at the bar.
TEF is
a member of the grass genus Eragrostis, or lovegrass. It is unique to
Ethiopia. It grows in many areas, but is not an easy grain to harvest as
the weight of the grain bends the stem to the ground. Fortunately for
Ethiopians, who depend on Tef Injera as a staple food, it has a
particularly high nutritional value. It contains two to three times the
amount of iron of wheat or barley. It also has a higher content of
Calcium and the other essential minerals. It contains 14% protein, 3%
fat and 81% complex carbohydrates. Tef is the only grain to have
symbiotic yeast. Like grapes, the yeast is on the grain and no yeast
needs to be added in the preparation of Injera.
BERBERE is made from dried red peppers, herbs, spices, dried onions, dried garlic and salt.
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